You say you want a revolution-ary campaign?
We know you'd love to see the plan

There are three stages to every campaign we do. It's as simple as A - C - E

A - We Analyze. (Analysis of the project and the marketplace in which it is to be launched)

C - We Conceptualize. (Devising the unique angles, strategies and tactics to market, publicize and promote the project)

E - We Execute. (Execution of the campaign)

To use the analogy of creating a building from scratch - in Stage One - we are the surveyors. We survey the landscape - the project and the marketplace. Assess the strengths and needs for the construction - the promotional elements required.

In Stage Two - we are the architects. We draw up the blueprints for the entire project. The plans that the publicity and marketing contractors will follow to build the structure - the successful campaign.

Stage Three requires contractors to build the structure - the campaign outlined in the blueprints.

The first two stages take place internally at Springtime!

For Stage Three Springtime! augments its own strengths and experience in campaign execution by bringing in specialist contractors - eg top publicists to help carry out the editorial campaign… top web designers to create the website…. etc etc

We Say We've Got A Real Solution...

An illustration of the comprehensive manner in which we work may be seen by looking at the Media Resource Website we created for our campaign celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Beatles coming to America. The breadth and extent of materials made available to the media - and the clarity of the website - is a hallmark of Springtime's modus operandi.

In My Life | Yesterday and Today | Beatles For Sale
There Are Places | The Word | Hard Day's Sites | See The Plan
With A Little Help | You Know My Name | Home

Springtime! ® is a division of Bialystock & Bloom ®
All Material © Copyright 2004 - Springtime! and Bialystock & Bloom